This grain looks to me like a tiger and waterfall all in one hence the title
Just a beautiful figured board of Sapele which just had to be a box and was just the right size .
This box is made from a single piece of sapele veneer that came into my shop as a piece of engineered flooring which had a 3/16” top veneer and walnut trim.
I band sawed the veneer off the plywood core and laminated it to a piece of Baltic birch ply with a maple veneer as a backing veneer.
The two drawers are made from hickory and ride on wooden slides milled into the sides .
The size turned out a bit larger then what I normally make but I wanted to use every bit of this beautiful piece .
The interior is lined with a heavy velvet cloth and the hinges are solid brass .
The overall size is 13 1/2” W x 10” D x 6 1/4” H and all the angles are seven degree and this gave the box a good overall stance and pleasing appearance .The drawer pulls are ebonized walnut and doweled to the drawer fronts .
The box is finished with BLO and clear spray lacquer polished out and a coat of wax which gave it satin and smooth finish .

Questions and comments always welcome .


— Kiefer 松



What a wonderful use of such gorgeous veneer!! No wonder you wanted to use every square inch of it. Your design and execution is outstanding.


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

Very nice box Klaus.

The veneer is outstanding.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Excellent job , very impressive project . Like the veneer


Not only great design, but the story behind the veneer is incredible. Usually engineered flooring comes pre-finished. Did you have any trouble with that?

Losing fingers since 1969

Beautiful use of the veneer. The box is gorgeous.

WC (Bruce)


woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Innovative and beautiful as always Klaus. The veneer is very nice and you have done it proud.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Thanks L/W
No I don’t waste much of anything especially something this nice .

Thanks lanwater
I appreciate you kind comment .

Thanks Bruce
It is a nice piece of veneer and it turned into a nice box.

Thanks Brian
This is prefinished flooring but was no problem after a bit of thinking just wish I had more .

Thanks Bruce
This has become one of my favorite boxes that I have made and I think I will keep it .

Thanks Jim
I agree and it’s a keeper .

Thanks Paul
I am happy with my design and how it turned out and you backing my thoughts on this are appreciated .
I will use this same basic design on a few more and hope they will be as nice in different variations .



I always look forward to seeing your work, the box is amazing. I was wondering about your design process. Do you do detailed drawings, do you simply see it in your mind’s eye or does it just flow?


Nice of you to take a look and approve of the box design .
When I design a box the wood generally decides the style and the amount of wood I have available .Then I start with a sketch of sorts to get a better picture of what I am shooting for and arrange the material by grain and colour and start cutting and put the box together .
I measure and cut but find that final fitting the pieces works best for me .Most of the time I find that when I look at the box when I think I am done and stand back that there is a little something missing and usually after a day or two it comes to me just a little detail most of the time .
That is my approach and it works for me .


Great looking box Klaus. The wood is beautiful too.

Mike, an American living in Norway

I always enjoy your beautiful work. It’s a lovely design, perfectly expressed.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)