Grandfather Clock from 1994


I built this Grandfather clock back in 1994, the only tools I had then were a table saw, a router, and a lot of cheap sand paper. I made the curved cuts on the band saw at the local high school wood shop (they still had them back then). One thing I will not forget about the build was the router bit slipping while doing the round over on the door, this ruined the door and I had to make a second one.


Really beautiful Tim and a great thing, it will be handed down for generations. Just knowing that is priceless.



-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

Beautiful clock Tim.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA


This really is a great-looking clock. Nice work and an heirloom over which to fight!


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

Very nicely done Tim and beautiful too .

Mike, an American living in Norway

Very nice! The columns look great. Any details on how your cut them?


Mike, the columns (tops and bottoms too) were purchased along with the plans.

Great looking clock Jack.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Very original and it looks very Lewis Carroll-ish. Nice design and finish.  

James McIntyre

Great job, really beautiful.  Triple chime too eh?


Well done.

Being a mechanical clock enthusiast I like to remind people that these movements need to be serviced every few years.....3 to 5.  Meaning cleaned and oiled with "clock" oil not 3 in 1. They will run for 100 years if that is done.