A Gift From kiefer


A couple of weeks ago I got an unexpected package in the mail from my good friend Klaus (aka kiefer). Inside was a hand made veneer hammer with his signature open pattern handle. It is very well designed especially when you know he hasn’t done any hammer veneering.

It features an offset handle which will be an advantage on larger jobs where both hands are on the hammer, a comfortable rounded head which works very well to get big pressure down on small projects using only one hand, and a smooth thin copper edge for applying maximum force. Best of all he inlaid a Canadian dime on each side of the handle featuring the Bluenose because he knows I’m a sailor.

I finally got to put it to use last week and it performed with flying colors. It was easy to use, comfortable to hold, and easy to clean up.

Here is a little video to show how well it worked.


Thanks Klaus. Even though it seems too pretty to use, it works too well not to.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.


I am unfamiliar with that tool…Is that a metal plate on the bottom of the hammer?


That’s one of the best looking veneer hammer I have seen.
Lot’s fine details. It looks comfortable too.
You got a great gift Paul.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Awesome gift. Great video too. Thanks for sharing that.

Losing fingers since 1969

Angellos, it is used for veneering with hot hide glue, an old technique that requires no press or clamping. Yes it is a metal edge made of a double layer of copper sheet.
This video shows the process better.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Very cool hammer. Nice gesture.

It works as good as it looks Paul. Kudos to Klaus who always comes up with well designed tools that actually work well.

Mike, an American living in Norway

As always a great tool from Klaus that I am sure you will cherish forever.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

And a lovely thing it is!

Hi Paul,
I also work with the veneer hammer.
But I have never pocketed both sides of the veneer with glue. I wet the upper side with a wet sponge so that it does not bend upwards. As you remove the glue residue after the veneers? With the scraper or grinding?
I hope the google translator has made me understand.


Uwe, most of the glue is removed hot by the hammer. The residue is easily removed the next day with cold water and a scrubbing pad.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.