Blog Series

How to Build a Chevalet From Scratch

Part 4: Another Little Modification

This is a bit of the fine tuning I knew awaited me once I started getting into the chevalet. My original (re-invention of the wheel) blade clamps...

Part 5: Finishing Up, Refining the Prototype

When I started to build the chevalet from a few photos on the internet, I wasn't at all sure it would amount to anything at all so in many places...

Part 6: New Improved Chevalet Sketchup

I have improved a fair bit since I posted the initial SU of the chevalet. In fact it was my very first attempt and it was, in a word awful. I may ...

Hand Tools Adventure

Part 4: The Stealth Hinge

With the grooves made and the bottom fitted (1/4" plywood hammer veneered on both sides) the next job was to make the interlocking rebates for the ...

Part 5: Assembling the Box

With the hinge out of the way, one of the tricky fits is history but getting all the corners to match is another thing altogether. The marquetry wa...

Part 6: Finishing Up and Top Marquetry

This is a bit anticlimactic after the project has been posted but I wanted to keep the "plane box" thing a secret. There were however some cool han...

Woodworking This & That

Part 1: Woodworking Tools

A friend of mine is in the process of going through, selling, and discarding everything from her grandparents’ “3 generation farm”. Can you imagi...

My journey into chair making

Part 1: Getting started

I am going on an adventure into the world of chair making. I have always wanted to build a windsor chair. I am starting out making a dining chair i...

More Veneer Pendant Lamps

Part 6: Glue-up

There's nothing much to see here.  With all the pieces sealed, the glue-up took all of 10 minutes. The roll of masking tape was the perfect size to...

Part 7: A slightly rocky assembly

Installing the veneer strips didn't quite go as planned. My initial idea was to apply a little contact cement to hold the overlapped end in place. ...

Part 8: Rinse and Repeat

With the prototype complete, I assembled the remaining two lamps. [20200201-IMG_3503.jpg] [20200202-IMG_3511.jpg] [20200202-IMG_3512.jpg] The bot...

Sewing Supplies Cabinet with Inlaid Metal Tile Accents

Part 4: Door Construction

The doors are 3/4" maple plywood slabs with 1/2" wide solid maple trim and inlaid tiles and accent strips. They were by far the most difficult part...

Part 5: (Adventures in) Finishing

 My wife wanted a light/whitish finish for the cabinet. Maple is pretty light toned, so my first thought was to use a clear water-based poly finish...

Part 6: Final Door Assembly and Mounting

Few parts of this project went smoothly, and the final door assembly was no exception. It started well enough. Attaching the outer trim wasn't too...

A Handplane Rehab

Part 4: Some Hardware Stuff

Man, it's been a while! I've had so little shop time lately and none of it has been unspoken for, so rehabbing this plane hasn't been on the agenda...

Part 5: Tote Repair

I fully intended to do the tote repair and the refinishing of the tote and knob in one post but shop time has been scarce so I'm going to just go a...

Part 6: Stick a Fork in it!

Well, a mere 6 months after starting this series, I'm finally ready to wrap it up… So let's dive right in! When last I left off, I had finished re...

Nail (Screw) Cabinet

6 entries

Part 4: Drawer Fronts vs Drawers

When we left off (last December!), the internal dividers had been set on this piece and I was debating adding the external framing that's been comp...

Part 5: Hardware & Glue-up

So I pushed one of the unfinished drawers into it's place in the cabinet and couldn't get it out without help. And that help was installation of a ...

Part 6: Final Assembly

Okay. In the last installment I noted that a glued up drawer front / sides piece went kinda 'parallelogram' on me overnight. To affect a repair, I ...

Japanese Joinery Rabbit Hole

Part 1: Playing in the Shop

My last big project introduced me to 18th century European joinery and really got me hooked on the idea of more complex assemblies that are locked ...

Part 2: “Trick” Joinery

There appear to be two kinds of joints to be found among the Japanese Joinery videos available. One is the structurally elegant locking type that I...

Wall Unit Blog

Part 1: Wall Unit Slideshow

Trying a slideshow.  Practice run..... This is a wall unit I made a few years back.  [DSC01627.JPG]

Part 2: Making the End Columns

Building the Columns for the ends. Another Slideshow [4 Belly Columns.jpg]