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Liked Bandsaw Reindeer
Liked Easter Inlay Crosses
Liked Tug boat puzzle
Started following Dandy
Liked 1835 Locomotive
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Commented on Ford "C" Cab Flatbed Trucks
Started following SplinterGroup
Started following Ron Stewart
Started following Oldtool
Started following Gary G
Commented on Ford "C" Cab Flatbed Trucks
Commented on Ford "C" Cab Flatbed Trucks
Posted a new project Ford "C" Cab Flatbed Trucks
Commented on TOOL BOXES
Commented on Ford HotRod C-Cab Ute/Pickup
Posted a new project Ford HotRod C-Cab T-Bucket for the SuperTee Pink Projects Fund Raiser
Commented on Ford HotRod C-Cab Ute/Pickup
Commented on Ford HotRod C-Cab Ute/Pickup
Started following Aussie Larks
Started following Wheaties - Bruce A Wheatcroft ( BAW Woodworking)
Started following Lazyman
Started following Jeff Vandenberg
Started following kiefer
Started following shipwright
Started following jeffswildwood
Started following a1jim
Posted a new project Ford HotRod C-Cab Ute/Pickup
Started following Cliff Olsen
Started following mel52
Commented on coffee and end table set
Replied on Original LJ Members Welcome
Started following ChuckV
Commented on SIP house (scale 1:10)
Started following Lightweightladylefty
Posted a new project Christmas Toy or Decoration made by my grandson for his mum...
Commented on Drillpress table
Commented on Best wooden toy 2012-2015
Posted a new project Everybody needs to exercise!
Liked Drillpress table
Liked Doll house
Commented on Bear
Commented on Caboose
Replied on Original Lumberjocks Welcome
Commented on Grasshoper Pull Toy
Started following NOTW
Commented on Whittling Little Folk
Started following mikeacg
Started following MsDebbieP
Started following majuvla
Commented on Doll Bed ( Trundle style)
Started following JimJakosh
Commented on Niles Bottle Opener
Commented on Tug boat puzzle
Commented on Tug boat puzzle
Started following Corelz125
Started following Martin Sojka
Posted a new project Christmas Fund Raiser for the Local Community Club -Matchbox Toy Garage
Started following Steve Rasmussen
Started following RyanGi
Started following Tony
Posted a new project Christmas Fund Raiser for the Local Community Club -VW Baja Bugs by two
Posted a new project Christmas Fund Raiser for the Local Community Club - Reindeer and Sleigh by two
Started following Bentlyj
Started following Joe Lyddon
Started following Railway Junk Creations
Started following RobsCastle
Started following Mike40
Started following oldrivers
Started following Tony_S
Started following Dave Polaschek
Started following Eric - the "Loft"
Started following BB1
Started following LIttleBlackDuck
Started following Dutchy
Started following MikeB_UK
Started following CaptainKlutz
Started following pottz