Replied on Original Lumberjocks Welcome
Replied on Original Lumberjocks Welcome
Replied on Oops on my Sawstop
Commented on Pontiac convertible
Commented on Pontiac convertible
Liked Wedding Keepsake Box
Started following Martin Sojka
Commented on Birds and Bees, A Reversible Marquetry Box
Commented on Presentation box for knife
Commented on Wedding Keepsake Box
Commented on Vase for Dried or Artificial Plants
Commented on Two Kids, Two Weddings, Two Keepsake Boxes
Commented on Transitions: Equinoxes
Commented on Wee Reindeer🎄
Commented on Vase for Dried or Artificial Plants
Commented on Piano Bench
Commented on Vintage doors to office doors
Commented on Floating Serpentine Shelf
Commented on my best friends urn
Replied on Is there anything better than…?
Commented on Crosses and more crosses
Commented on Doll Bed ( Trundle style)
Commented on Solar Panel Array ( 6 panels) 1950 watts
Commented on Church Pew Bench
Commented on Crosses and more crosses
Commented on Crosses and more crosses
Commented on Crosses and more crosses
Commented on my ultimate assembly bench
Commented on Crosses and more crosses
Commented on Crosses and more crosses
Posted a new project Crosses and more crosses
Commented on A Stack of Boxes
Commented on Geo-Ribbon Banding Jewelry Box
Commented on Church Pew Bench
Commented on Awl
Commented on BB1
Commented on Tea Box and Serving Tray
Replied on Original Lumberjocks Welcome
Replied on Original Lumberjocks Welcome
Commented on Magazine Table
Replied on The "PULSE"
Replied on The "PULSE"
Liked Yarn bowl…er, box…
Commented on Himitsu-Bako ("Japanese") Puzzle Box.
Commented on kitchen knives
Commented on Yard Schtick - Puzzle Box
Commented on Two walnut frames
Commented on Oak shelving.
Commented on Urn
Commented on Two walnut frames
Commented on Cherry Bedside Chest
Commented on Two walnut frames
Commented on My first woodworking project
Commented on Two walnut frames
Commented on Two walnut frames
Commented on Hope Chest for Niece
Commented on Traditional Jewelry Box
Commented on Two walnut frames
Posted a new project Two walnut frames
Commented on My first piece of furniture
Commented on Charcuterie Board with Matching Cutting Board