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Commented on Flat Screen Shelf with a Secret
Commented on Mendocino Motor
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Commented on Old Time DIY
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Commented on Vase - candlestick
Commented on Vase - candlestick
Commented on Coffee table
Commented on Stand for ???????
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Posted a new project Coffee table
Posted a new project Stand for ???????
Posted a new project Vase - candlestick
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Commented on Epoxy Rim Bowls
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Commented on Hussar
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Commented on Esaul
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Liked She and he. BABA YAGA.
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Posted a new project She and he. BABA YAGA.
Posted a new project Esaul
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Commented on THEY (gnomes) are also in self-isolation.
Commented on Traditional Jewelry Box
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Liked 17 year old boat cruise.
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Posted a new project THEY (gnomes) are also in self-isolation.
Commented on Music Box
Commented on The dry branch was removed and the finished vase.
Commented on Music Box
Commented on 17 year old boat cruise.
Liked Elm bowl. #45
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Commented on Face as intarsia image
Commented on jewelry box
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Commented on Small bowl w/Diamond Design
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Posted a new project The dry branch was removed and the finished vase.
Commented on Ganchik